Music ReviewsNEW TALENTSPopRock

EP Review: Dusk by Tourist Attractions


This four song album is Tourist Attractions’ debut EP. They are an indie band made up of four 18 year olds from Lancashire and they are very good. The album starts off with “Silhouette”, a punchy song with a fantastic drum solo at the start that gets your head bobbing immediately. It’s very catchy and very composed considering this is a debut EP. The song makes you think that Tourist Attractions have been around for ages. They sound experienced and fresh all at the same time. This fast paced song really gets you in the mood for the album, there’s nothing not to like about this song. Around two thirds of the way through the song slows down and builds suspense, the vocals become an echo and then the drums drag you back speed so effortlessly, it’s so good.
“Heartless Man” is an amazing song in my opinion. It’s a wise song that really emphasises the importance of empathy. I love it. It’s also catchy, heart-breaking but the instrumentals are very uplifting. It isn’t a depressing song despite the lyrics. It really is a pleasure to listen to.
The album does have a pinch of Arctic Monkeys about it, but it’s not distracting. There isn’t a feeling of listening to a cover like there is with new bands these days. I still can’t believe how good all four songs are, none of them blend together and none get forgotten. They all leave an impact and they never get boring. It’s an album you can listen to over and over without getting bored. The lyrics are so good, especially in “Lovers and Dancers”, each time you listen to it you uncover more of the lyrics and the song just gets better. It doesn’t just feel like a song, it tells a story that engages you throughout. It’s definitely one of my favourites of the album.
I am definitely looking forward to hearing what else Tourist Attractions produce in the future. If it’s anything like what they have produced so far I think they are going to be really successful. This whole album is so easy to listen to. If you prefer an album that is rockier then maybe this isn’t the right album for you, but it definitely has a kick to it to make you pay attention and listen.
Overall I am a huge fan of this album and band. It’s a great listen and just leaves you wanting more.


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Melissa Evans
I am a Welsh student who loves music, reading and tea. My favourite genre of music is Indie and I love finding new bands to listen to, especially ones who may have only release demos so far. I can also happily sit down to a John Green book with tea in hand and not move all day.